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Friday, February 18, 2011

introduction and conclution

The introduction of "Saving private ryan" starts with a man and his family visiting a cewmitary then it cut to the opening of the story. We have no idea of who this man is. th opening continious to the d day invation of omaha beach. it effectively broadcast the idea that this is a world war II movie and opens us the actual story which is all a flash back of not the mans that was there at the opening but the man in the graves tale.

The conclusion of the flash back, which encompasses all of the movie plot line, is ended with them finding Private James Ryan  and helping his squad hold thier post of the town. they win but with with a heavy cost and lose of life. at the end the Captain tell James "earn this." as his dieing words. A letter explaining that he is heading home is read and then we flash forward to real time. this is done in a way to reviel the unknown man at the grave from the intro by simply aging private Ryan's face to his current face. We learn that James has not come to just pay respect but to figure out if he has earned what they have given him. and his wafe and kids help to give us an answer to the question and leave the audiance with an highly emotional ending. Wrapping up all end to how he got out or WWII.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

compare and contrast. boots v tennis shoes

     When picking shoes you have a couple of varieties to choose from like; boots tennis shoes, and the sandals and flip flops, etc. But what does each of these do for you? we are go to compare the similarities and differences in each kind of shoe. We will be looking at the difference between tennis shoes and boots only for today.
   Both shoes have several things in common that are useful to take into account when buying shoes.  Both styles of shoes are relitively versital and can be used for many different things like work and everyday life. many boots as well as tennis shoes give the wearer good ankle support and tracetion to keep them from falling. The styles are as numours as the stars and can go well with most anything you wear.
    After theses few commonalities there are not much more in common between boots and tennis shoes.  Tennis shoes are light and flexible.  This allows them to excel in athletic situation like running and sports. They also have a higher air flow that is great to wick away moisture coming form your feet. The materials in which they are made out of are typically cheaper than the materials of boots and decreases the cost to that of below the price of boots. This make tennis shoes the better choose for common families.
    Boots on the other hand have there own place that they work well in such as work. Boot are mostly made of a strong none permiable material and are great at keeping the moisture outside from getting to your feet. This also mean that they are much more likely to start to smell faster as your own moisture will collect inside if they are not taken care of. You are able to waterproof them to increase this effect even farther.  Boot offer more protection in work envorments from sharp, heavy or falling objects. The steel sole and toe are examples of protection that is added to a boot but a boot still offers more protection without these extras.  Boots tend to run far more expensive but can all be cleaned, polished, and resoled for a fraction of the price. This will allow you you keep one pair of boots for as long as the hide stays intack and that can be decades. The last benifit of boots is how easy most boots are to clean. Since most boots are waterproof you can hose them down and scrun them off to clean off anything from the outside and let the inside dry out over night. Boots are more expensive up front but will save you in the long run if you are a working man.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

rebuttal of the closing of yucca montain.

     Yucca mountain was once an anticipated site to store high level long term radioactive waste. It was closed down and abandon as a usable site from two reasons, one political and one empirical scientific evidence.  The political was because Nevada didn't want the waste to be held in there state; however, Nevada has done nothing to clean up it current mess back from the Manhattan Project. Yucca mountain is 10 miles away for a total of 16 people and will not effect anyone besides the commotion Nevada would get to keep the waste. The second of the two problems is that the cavern that they have dug in the mountain side isn't completely water tight with a total of 1*10^-9 % of the water that falls on Yucca Mountain can get in or out. (Yucca) News flash to reality nothing is 100% besides death. over time anything we try to build will fall apart over time and degrade in the next million years. Nature has given us a perfect spot to dispose of our nuclear waste yet we rejected it. The reason Yucca Mountain needed to be water tight was to have it not pollute the water table yet current temporary storage are already leaking at this very moment.(Spent) You will never hear about them nor the millions of barrels of toxins, sewage and other crap that pollutes our water.
Thing is storage isn't even the best option to dispose of our spent fuel waste. Reprocessing reduces the long term long term high level radiation by nearly 95 % to just long lived fission products. (Spent) Theses can easily be stored on site and will allow all the fuel to be used and expand the fuel supply of Uranium and Plutonium. this is a cheaper easier and more environmentally friendly way to deal with waste. Theses products will decay faster than the spent fuel and will be low level in a shorter time. (Fuel) This will allow us to be able to deal with the waste and not have it site there for millions of years. (Reprocessing)

"Nuclear Fuel." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. <>.
"Nuclear Reprocessing." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. <>.
"Nuclear Power in France." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. <>.
"Spent Nuclear Fuel." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. <>.
"YouTube - Radioactive Waste Disposal, High Level 1980." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. <>.
"Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Feb. 2011.   <>.