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Friday, February 18, 2011

introduction and conclution

The introduction of "Saving private ryan" starts with a man and his family visiting a cewmitary then it cut to the opening of the story. We have no idea of who this man is. th opening continious to the d day invation of omaha beach. it effectively broadcast the idea that this is a world war II movie and opens us the actual story which is all a flash back of not the mans that was there at the opening but the man in the graves tale.

The conclusion of the flash back, which encompasses all of the movie plot line, is ended with them finding Private James Ryan  and helping his squad hold thier post of the town. they win but with with a heavy cost and lose of life. at the end the Captain tell James "earn this." as his dieing words. A letter explaining that he is heading home is read and then we flash forward to real time. this is done in a way to reviel the unknown man at the grave from the intro by simply aging private Ryan's face to his current face. We learn that James has not come to just pay respect but to figure out if he has earned what they have given him. and his wafe and kids help to give us an answer to the question and leave the audiance with an highly emotional ending. Wrapping up all end to how he got out or WWII.

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